March 2011

One of the fun things about being single is that you can have unrealistic expectations of your future partner/girlfriend and get away with it. And it’s all the better if you’re not interested in getting involved in a relationship at this point in time, since the probability of meeting such a person will be quite low if you place your expectations high enough. I know, laugh at my logic all you want, but I think it’s better to overshoot on the expectations rather than undershoot, especially since finding a girlfriend isn’t on the top of my priority list at the moment. I realise this entry is going to be seen as quite controversial and I’m bracing myself at this very moment for the flames and trolls I know that are coming, even if unspoken I know will still be there in the hearts of my readers. But the way I see it, everyone has their own taste and this entry should be by no means seen as offensive or disrespectful towards anybody at all, particularly my female audience. If anything, this entry should be seen as a reason why I don’t have a girlfriend at the moment, not that I’m trying to justify it or anything, but rather state that it’s not something I’m particularly interested in at the moment, hence the ridiculous expectations.

The reason why I keep this blog is because there are a lot of things on my mind that I find easier to clarify by typing them out rather than have them go around in circles in my head all day. I keep it open to the public because I realise that if I wanted to talk about these things with anyone it wouldn’t come out the same because I think quite differently when I’m around other people compared with when I’m in the comfort of my room by myself. I don’t think I’ve mentioned it here before but I feel when I’m around other people I need to have to process an extra layer of information regarding their non-verbal language like facial expression, posture and tone of speech, and respond appropriately to them. After this initial layer of processing I sometimes lose my train of thought and I just say the first thing that comes to my mind, which often isn’t the thing I wanted to say. Hence why I find social situations tiring but I do enjoy going out with friends very much. I don’t give a damn what the DSM-IV has to say about my way of thinking, just cuz the rest of the world thinks a certain way doesn’t mean that I have a mental illness. What if the rest of the world is just dumb? I could say everyone with IQ below 134 was mentally retarded, I mean, who’s setting the standard here?

Anyway back to the topic. I’ve recently developed a model of judging females for partner compatibility and it seemed there were four most vital characteristics that were absolutely essential. I’m going to see if I can write up some sort of scoring sheet for this, heh.

~Jeffrey's Type of Girl~

This scoring sheet consists of the following THREE sections:

Section One: Key Characteristics /60 (must pass)
Section Two: Racial Requirements /-- (must pass)
Section Three: Bonus Points /40

Total Score is out of 100.

SECTION ONE – KEY CHARACTERISTICS (60 marks – must pass)
Section one is a must-pass component. Failure to score at least 50% in EACH SECTION is an automatic FAIL. The four must-have characteristics are:

A) Commitment /15
My type of girl knows how to get things done. She diligently works towards her uni degree/does well at her job and does her share of chores in the household. She’s well organised and keeps to her dates and appointments. I can’t stand people who can’t get things done. I’d rather be single than be together with some lazy-ass, no matter how well she does in the other sections.

B) Easy-going/fun /15
I like a girl that can have some fun. I realise that I am a med student and that by definition restricts my ability to enjoy myself but that doesn’t mean that I don’t like to have fun. I want someone who I can just hang out with like I do with friends, maybe go to a bubble tea or arcade (I know, Asian of me ><), and just enjoy each other’s company. Similar interests do help in this area I suppose. I could never date someone who takes things too seriously. Sure, study and work are important but that doesn’t mean it has to dominate your life.

C) Personality /15
I want someone who can relate to me on the same level. Our opinions on everything don’t have to be the same but fundamentally we have similar priorities in life. I guess I haven’t really sorted out what I want in life so this expectation is a bit silly but when I do find out what I want, I would want someone who shared this vision.

D) Quiet type /15
This one might seem a bit like an odd one but for me it’s actually quite important. I can’t keep up with conversation for extended periods of time, nor can I handle loud places like bars or clubs. My type of girl would be quite happy to chill at the local library or cafĂ© rather than go out to those loud places and get drunk. I also can’t stand people who don’t shut up. I don’t mind having talkative people as friends, but for a partner, it’s a definite NO.


Failure to meet the racial requirements results in automatic disqualification.

Asian /--
Must be at least half asian. No alternative.


The following traits are not mandatory, but you’ll receive bonus points for the following:

A) Looks /10
Heh, let’s be honest, looks don’t really matter but they’re always nice to have ^^; I like long hair, a nice smile, slender figure (but not anorexic), and cute characteristics in general. In terms of dress I’d rather have someone who was more on the casual side. Glasses are cute, too 8D

B) Similar interests /10
Having a girl who’s into the same stuff as me would be nice. Manga, anime, DDR, games, mah-jong, etc.

C) Vegetarian diet /5
Makes things easier in the kitchen.

D) University degree /5
Either studying towards one or has one already.

E) IQ = 100+ /5
Just so they can function around the same level as me. I don’t like dumb people, but I can put up with them.

F) Age /5
Preferably she’s the same age as me or slightly younger. I’m not sure if I’d be comfortable dating someone older than me *is slightly old-fashioned* xD



How did you go?

below 50% (FAIL): Would not consider dating
50-65% (PASS):
Would be mildly interested
65-80% (MERIT):
Would be interested
Would probably ask you out if I knew you and were single

Don’t ask me how the scoring works, it’s just an arbitrary number really. I wouldn’t expect anyone to score above 85% on this thing (assuming you scored this properly) but if they did I’d be quite interested in meeting such a person if they did =P Otherwise I hoped you found this entry at least slightly entertaining and worth the read, again apologies if I offended anyone in writing this.

My Type of Girl

Posted on

Saturday, March 5, 2011

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Hi, I'm Jeff! Welcome to my blog, where I share random thoughts and things about my life. Enjoy :)