January 2015

2014 was an interesting year for me. Plenty of things happened, some of which I don't really want to share at the moment but with time will probably end up on here sooner or later. I guess in many respects 2014 was the first year I spent being fully independent. Paying my own rent, bills, insurance, living in another town in a place not owned by my parents. Of course, I've been away from Mum and Dad from the age of 17 so I suppose it wasn't a huge step up. So long as I have a steady job doing the above things isn't really much of a challenge so to speak. Some people would say that I was spoiled to have relied on my parents for so long but I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only asian who did that.

Aside from that, what else did I do in 2014? I went on two, 2-week overseas holidays to Japan and Australia! Now those are trips I will be sure to remember. Particularly Japan. Something about that country really left a lasting impression with me. Perhaps it was the efficiency, the whole way everything was done sensibly and practically (like trains always being on time, practical instructions always being given, etc.), or perhaps the way people dressed, the fashion, or maybe the work ethic, the city life, the shopping (where I can find stuff that actually fits me!). I don't know where it ends. So many things about that country amaze me. I definitely want to return there. Someday. Perhaps while I am still relatively young. But yeah, Japan is awesome. Australia? Well Gold Coast is a quick getaway for those who live close by. Good for young families, too. Melbourne is basically a bigger badder Auckland with trams. It was a nice change of scenery, though.

Career-wise, I managed to survive my first year of being a doctor and gained my general registration! Hooray, go me. Not much else to say here. I guess I've gotten more used to being a relatively efficient (if I say so myself) House Officer and seem to be getting myself home on time more often, and find ward calls and work in general less stressful than I did when I first started. Things sometimes do get better. Still haven't managed to LP anyone yet, though. Put in a few dozen cannula though and done some minor surgery, which is always fun. Can't say I'm getting many procedures on psych (besides ECG's, which don't count) but oh well.

I guess 2014 is probably the first year I've been taking exercise and fitness seriously as well. Since the beginning of the year, I'd signed up for 12 months of gym membership and managed to go about 2-3 times a week for about 75% of the year (not great, I know). Towards the Spring and Summer though I started ditching the gym to go for runs outside and since then I've been running 5-6km about twice a week. It's definitely a start, for me anyways. I don't think I'm much of a gym person though, the environment is just so artificial and I'm more or a cardio person anyways, and you can get most of your cardio from doing more stimulating things like sports and running. On top of my gym-ing and running I've been going to weekly badminton and squash sessions with friends which I really enjoyed, and definitely want to keep these going into 2015. Exercise in general is great on so many levels. It has so many benefits, it seems stupid not to do at least some every week. Fighting chronic diseases, depression, boosting your energy levels and improving sleep are only some of the many benefits exercise has to offer. You don't need to be a doctor to know the feeling a great workout has on your body. In saying that however, I think I overdid the squash in the last few weeks since I managed to tear my rotator cuff, forcing me to have some time off the court. There is such thing of too much of a good thing, so it seems.

So what do I want to get out of 2015? I guess I haven't been too bad at fulfilling my New Years' resolutions to date (probably since I've been setting the bar pretty low!), so I'm hoping 2015 will be another successful year. Previous resolutions include passing medical school, improving my communication skills and exercising more. I guess these are ongoing things which I need to continue improving regardless (ie. career and personal development). But what about 2015? Aside from just those things should there be something else I should be aiming for? I think there is, but I don't want to share it here just yet. Perhaps the timing is not right. There will be something I want to do in this year, that's for sure. If it's not that, then it'll have to be something else. I'll make the most of it regardless.

Well I hope everyone reading this has a fantastic 2015 too and makes the most of every opportunity it presents itself with. I'm not sure reading this self-absorbed post about my accomplishments is a great way to spend it but if you've made it this far I'm assuming you're finding at least a mild form of entertainment reading it so please continue to do so, if it pleases you. I'll finish this post with a few pictures I took while out in Waikete Valley yesterday with my family.

Happy New Year!!

2014 in Review

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Thursday, January 1, 2015

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Hi, I'm Jeff! Welcome to my blog, where I share random thoughts and things about my life. Enjoy :)