One must have patience. And a lot of it. One of my more recent jobs has been to go through some old handwritten patient card notes and transfer the data into the electronic medical database. As I've mentioned previously, I liked to think that patience was one of my better qualities but this job's really testing it. Seriously, what the hell is the point of writing notes if no-one can even read them?? Might as well save the time (and a few trees) and not bother, if your handwriting's going to suck so damn bad. /rant

So I realise I haven't really been updating this blog as much as I should be, I guess I just haven't been bothered lately. Not that anything interesting has really been happening in my life worth mentioning. Work goes on, days off are spent at home with parents, and boredom slowly accumulates. Three weeks of this and I'm beginning to feel the boredom biting at my sanity. I should probably get out more and stuff, but the city life in Rotorua just isn't the same as in Auckland, and most of the time my parents have plans of their own for me (such as helping out with visitors, of which we've had plenty over the past few weeks), so that makes things difficult. A significant portion of my time is spent attempting to play SC2 at 1 fps with my friends in Auckland on my 3 year old laptop, which usually ends up in utter fail with me lagging everyone else in the game and generally having very poor quality games. My dad gave me $400 to upgrade his 8 year old computer at home and I've ordered a few parts which should be here by Christmas, so hopefully I'll be able to have a decent game on that. I'm still contemplating on the parts I should get for my own computer I'll be building next year and hunting down deals online. According to one of my friends, $1000 is about the optimal amount to spend on building a computer.

Work's been meh. Still poking people's arms with needles and doing the occasional BP or CVD assessment while my boss piles me with the monotonous computer work amongst other stuff. It's been a while since I've actually missed a vein but I somehow managed to miss 2 today for some strange reason. Perhaps the novelty of phlebotomy's beginning to wear off and I'm starting to lose interest in what I'm doing. Guess I'm that type of person who's not easily interested in things, and gets bored with things easily. Ah, I need to find something to amuse me again, life's just getting too boring.

At the moment one of my Dad's late friend's wife's yoga teacher from Germany is staying at our house as part of her tour of New Zealand. I don't really mind having random visitors in my home but I won't deny that things are easier to do when they're not around. For example, playing DDR. Our visitor is staying downstairs at the moment so I'll certainly cause a lot of noise for her if I play at my usual time before breakfast. And since there's only one TV in the house that just means one extra person I'm sharing it with too. I would get a TV for myself and play in the basement but since I'm only home for one quarter of the year I'm not sure it's worth the investment. That's one annoying thing about living in two homes rather than one, you can't furnish your place as well as you want to since you're only getting to use it for a limited portion of the year. There are lots of things I'd like to get for my room, like maybe a surround sound system, a big corner desk, a nice desktop computer (I'll be getting that soon) to list a few. I know I'm just being picky and I should just appreciate the fact that I do have my own place to stay in during uni (I do) but I guess I just like to enjoy myself too much sometimes. Anyway I'm going way off topic.

So yeah, we've got this visitor and Mum and Dad are going out of their way to show them around a bit. Which means they tend to leave me alone more, which is one advantage of having her around. Yeah I know I should make the most of my time with my parents but I do like my alone time too and sometimes they do invade into that. I also don't really like gardening that much. Oh, it looks like I'm heading off now. I'm still at work atm and we're gonna take a patient to the hospital in Rotorua cuz he's poor and doesn't have any money for transport and my dad's just being kind. Sigh, the demographics of this place sometimes make me wonder what these people do with their lives...

To read a doctor's handwriting...

Posted on

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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Hi, I'm Jeff! Welcome to my blog, where I share random thoughts and things about my life. Enjoy :)