January 2013

So today I had my TI year orientation day at Rotorua Hospital. Now, equipped with my pager, swipe card and ID I'm ready to hit the wards! Woohoo. Finished early at 3pm which was a plus. The staff down here were really welcoming (and yes, we did have to sing a waiata). Apparently the 4 medical teams fight over who gets the 2 interns xD guess I'll find out who I'm with tomorrow. Going to be 8am starts for the rest of the year it seems so better get used to it now.

The medical long case is the biggest assessment in TI year and I want to be really prepared for it. From tomorrow onwards, I'm going to do my very best to maximise all possible practical experience in the wards and ED. I want to start the year on a strong note which will hopefully set the pace for the rest of the year.

It's so hot today. Last time I checked the temperature it was 28 degrees! The mornings seem to be cooler than Auckland but it gets really hot towards the afternoon and evening. I guess summer really has come in a big way over here. Need to find where I put my short sleeved business shirt. Might have left it in Auckland by mistake.

Anyhow, time to find something to distract myself with before dinner.

A New Beginning

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Monday, January 7, 2013

Well it feels like years since my last post. I wonder how long I'm going to be able to keep up this blogging before I get lazy again. I guess I start blogging when I start having too much time on my hands. Even though I've been on break for over 2 months (yay for uni holidays) I seem to have been able to keep myself busy with something. Well, time to get back into it! You'll see that I've given my blog a little clean-up so it looks more visually appealing (well to me anyway). I've changed the title to something a little more meaningful too, heh. I guess I get bored of things too quickly these days.

There's so much to catch up with on here I don't know where to start! Well first things first. I passed all my 5th year exams! Woohoo, bring on Trainee Intern year (and the money, $_$)! I start on Monday in Rotorua Hospital. Kind of nervous too, I guess. Being that one step above a medical student, harbouring that extra responsibility and all that. I worry about being able to contribute to the medical team and not being a burden like I'm used to being. Especially after all those weeks of holiday I'd convinced myself I'd earned. Even though I've been trying to do some study these last few days I still feel like I'm scraping the surface of the endless volume of information I should know after 5 years of medical school. What's worse is that we might have to sing a Waiata (Maori song) on orientation day. Someone save me.

On another note, interning in Rotorua means that I get to freeload off my parents for a WHOLE YEAR (for those of you who don't know, I spent my intermediate and high school years in Rotorua, and my parents never moved since i went to uni)! Hooray. I know for most Aucklanders this is probably just a given for most of their university life but it isn't for me. It's nice to not have to worry about chores, grocery shopping and cooking every single day. Sure, there'll be time that I'll have to do the odd dishes, vacuuming or gardening around the place but that's nothing compared to living away in an apartment. And all the money I'll save. One the downside I won't be able to see little mikorikawa as much. I'm sure both of us will be having a busy year anyway. I guess there's always skype and other communication modalities ot keep in touch.

So what have I been spending the past 2 months doing? Well for starters I've been doing a bit of random gaming. I finished Kingdom Hearts, Halo and Halo 2. Old games, I know. Just felt like playing other than the ol' Starcraft 2. I bought a month of RuneScape membership for lols. Gosh that game has changed. Trying to monetize everything now. Used to be such a good game, now its just like the rest of them, although it does hold a bit of nostalgia for me . I got pretty bored over the holiday. Mikorikawa had a log going on at that time so didn't get to spend much quality time with her. Ah well, that's life. Can't have everything I guess (but doesn't hurt to try).


We did however manage to watch some movies together! We watched some movies from the Avengers series (Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America) and going to re-watch the Avengers with all that backstory fresh in our minds! I quite like superhero movies. We also watched Wreck it Ralph! I don't usually enjoy kids' movies, but this one was an exception.


I also watched some anime. Of the ones I watched, Sword Art Online and Accel World stood out particularly in terms of storyline  Definitely some of the best anime I've ever seen, along with Fate Zero, Death Note and Code Geass. I also watched Highschool of the Dead which is a good series if you like lots of bloody graphic zombie violence ^_^

Sword Art Online!

Accel World!
And Blogger just crashed (and somehow saving a blank copy of this post), making me type out all of that text AGAIN. How annoying. Oh well hope that doesn't happen again. Now I've lost my train of thought. I just re-read my last blog post 3 months ago and remembered how I'd wanted to buy an iPhone 5. Well in the end I decided to save myself $300 and get a Samsung Galaxy S3. What can I say, its an excellent phone and not regretting the purchase one bit. It is a bit big but the huge screen size is really great when browsing the web and using maps, which I do so a bit when I'm out. And it's got NFC (which iPhone 5 doesn't) which I reckon is the way of the future. Apple will probably release their next iPhone with NFC as its main selling point, knowing them.

There was a whole lot more I wanted to add to this post but I'm just going to end it here while I'm ahead.

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Hi, I'm Jeff! Welcome to my blog, where I share random thoughts and things about my life. Enjoy :)