So today I had my TI year orientation day at Rotorua Hospital. Now, equipped with my pager, swipe card and ID I'm ready to hit the wards! Woohoo. Finished early at 3pm which was a plus. The staff down here were really welcoming (and yes, we did have to sing a waiata). Apparently the 4 medical teams fight over who gets the 2 interns xD guess I'll find out who I'm with tomorrow. Going to be 8am starts for the rest of the year it seems so better get used to it now.
The medical long case is the biggest assessment in TI year and I want to be really prepared for it. From tomorrow onwards, I'm going to do my very best to maximise all possible practical experience in the wards and ED. I want to start the year on a strong note which will hopefully set the pace for the rest of the year.
It's so hot today. Last time I checked the temperature it was 28 degrees! The mornings seem to be cooler than Auckland but it gets really hot towards the afternoon and evening. I guess summer really has come in a big way over here. Need to find where I put my short sleeved business shirt. Might have left it in Auckland by mistake.
Anyhow, time to find something to distract myself with before dinner.