I can't believe its been almost a whole month since my last post. Time goes so fast when life's busy (well, I could be busier, otherwise I wouldn't be writing this post). But I feel like I've been learning a ton on the wards these past few weeks. Getting quite a lot more used to clerking patients than I was in 4th year. Now that I look back I did such a sloppy job back then I probably wouldn't even consider it proper work. Even now I still take ages, and still forget things when I have to present things to my consultant. I don't think I've ever clerked more than 3 patients for admission in one day since they all seem to come in the afternoon and I don't want to stay til 10pm even though there are tons of patients waiting to be seen. I want to get faster and slicker at doing these basic things so that when I finally graduate I can actually feel confident about my skills. With the long case drawing nearer, I'm really needing as much practice as I can get.
I decided to take up running again now that I have access to the Redwoods and in need of gaining some fitness to make up for all the sitting around I do at home. It really is quite nice being able to visit the forest again. The air is fresh, the solitude is relaxing (yeah I know, I'm such a loner. But its probably the only time I can think clearly), and the atmosphere is peaceful. Apart from when there's those buses taking tourists by the truckload to take photos of each other standing next to trees. I need to hurry up and get fitter so I can run the more advanced trails so I don't run into so many tourists. Damn, those Asians!
In other news I did take a trip up to Auckland to visit little mikorikawa since it was a long weekend. It was nice to have a break from Rotorua and do a few city-like things again. Although I do say its probably overrated for me these days. There are pros and cons to both Auckland and Rotorua for me. For example I''m probably saving enough money on petrol and food to afford a trip to Auckland and back each weekend just by staying with my parents and driving to a hospital that's only 10 minutes away. I can get up at 7am and still have time to get ready in the morning before handover at 8am. None of these things would happen if I were placed at North Shore or Middlemore Hospital. Probably the next best hospital for me to work in terms of convenience would be Auckland, just because I live in the city. But Rotorua does have its cons as well. Sometimes I'm afraid I'll lose touch with people in Auckland. Not much to do after work here. Not many places to go out or visit. Parents pushing their agenda onto me when I'd rather be doing other things. I don't really mind where I end up to be honest. I will probably end up in Auckland simply because I feel more connected to the people there, although the experience I'm currently getting in the general medical setting here is really good. Decisions, decisions.
Getting paid to study has been good too. I've received one and a half payments so far and expecting more next week. Money never really has been my primary goal in life but having more of it certainly doesn't hurt. According to a recent article I read there is a definite positive correlation between increasing income and levels of happiness up to a certain point. Apparently due to decreasing levels of financial stress and greater fulfilment of one's goals. And I'm not surprised to hear this. People try to say money is evil and all but not if you've earned it honestly and use it well, in my opinion. Of course, I don't believe money in itself is a worthy aspiration in life but it is undeniably means to a lot of ends. I daresay my opinion would look falsely arrogant from the outside.
"You're doing med! Of course you're doing it for the money, right?"
Don't get me started on that one.