So it's been almost a month since I last posted here. Just goes to show that procrastination has no limits. Especially when combined with Starcraft 2 and the fact that my sister went and bought herself a $2700 computer and was out of the house (at work) most of the time I was on break. Now that I've done my league placements, completed the campaign on the hardest difficulty and done as many of those little achievement tasks as I could, hopefully things will start getting back on track. Sure do have a lot of things I need to be doing at this time of semester other than SC2, that's for sure.
Had a rather uneventful break with all the SC2ing although I did manage to fit some study here and there for Monday's test. Probably didn't do as well as I should have but then again it's been a while since I've actually taken my studies seriously enough to do any better. I did also go to a few 21st birthdays which was a good excuse to get out of the house and away from those dodgy SCV's. One was at a karaoke place which was fun but not as fun as it would have been if I actually knew some of the songs that were being played. It did have the effect of reminding me of the 18 odd years i spent living under a rock, so to speak. Guess I was never got into popular music, it's always been J-Pop, video game music (which can actually be pretty good believe it or not) and other random stuff. The other 21st was at some random playground place called Bigups that was pretty fun except that I ran out of energy towards the end, and that felt good. Afterwards we hung out at the birthday guy's house (really nice house btw) and played on his wii he'd just gotten for his birthday. Probably the highlights of my holiday.
I've just spent the morning cleaning every corner of the apartment since my parents are inbound this evening and they (well, my mum) has high standards. Last time I don't think I met those standards and she was, shall I say, less than pleased. Fair enough, I suppose. Small time investment for having this place without paying rent with only groceries and bills to worry about, I guess. The freedom is nice, too (but can be distracting).
I'll probably be getting onto some assignmenting for the time being and try not to get sucked back into SC2. Stuff's due fairly soon for the stage I'm at with them (ie. not started) so better get moving.
Tsk Tsk, no moar SC2, study up, so you won't kill people that I haven't killed yet :D