May 2011

Life has been quite good to me over the past week and a half since I last posted. I won't say exactly why, but let's just say things are going really nicely ^^. My apologies for being so vague about this matter, since this is a public blog I'd rather not delve into the details in case this is read by certain individuals. Not that I'm keeping any secrets, but some things are best left unsaid until the appropriate time.

Emergency run was great. I could've spent another month in ED, it's such a shame its only two weeks. There were a lot of things I liked about the run, besides the comparitively light shift hours and the nice cruisy assessment criteria. As I said in my last post, being able to actually do stuff has been really awesome instead of standing around feeling lost and bored. I even spent quite a lot of time hanging out with the nurses and nursing students and found I learned things I wouldn't have learned if I hung with my consultant or registrar all the time. All this practical hospital stuff you just never learn at med school. Like how to work a hospital bed. How to hook a patient up to the monitoring unit. What to do if a patient needs to use the toilet. I guess it's all nursing stuff but it's still good to know these things. I feel that in the hospitals there's quite a bit of overlap between nursing and medical care since I'm seeing nurses doing a lot of the stuff that the doctors do on the ward. Half the time the procedures I'm trying to observe have already been done by the nurses but they're usually really awesome in letting me do stuff even though I'm not a nursing student.

Campus learning week has been dreadfully busy. Initially I was looking forward to the opportunity to sit in lectures again among my peers but the amount of content they've crammed into this one and a half weeks has been insane. Seven hours of lectures a day, 8:30 to 5:30 ... it gets to you after a while. You'd think I'd be used to this treatment by now but sadly, that doesn't seem to be the case. Not that it's likely to change in the future, especially when I start working as a house officer (assuming I get to that stage, but hey I'm trying not to be pessimistic here). What can I say, I'm really looking forward to the long weekend. Pochama will be working over the long weekend unfortunately, but I have other things planned ^^. Nee-san is going to be in Rotorua over the weekend; I specifically decided not to go since I'll be there for locomotor soon anyway. Not that there's much for me to go back to down there, anyway. There are things about Rotorua I don't want to remember, and I reckon minimising my contact with that place will help me move on. No offense to friends and family I have who still live there. There isn't anything wrong with the place, its just that the memories of what life was before I came to Auckland hurts too much for me to bear. I don't want to dwell on those feelings, that's why I don't want to relive negative experiences that I can no longer do anything about. For the same reason, I feel hurt when I shouldn't when certain events of the past are brought up. I can't do anything but accept it as part of who I am, despite how much hate it brings up in me.

Pokemon themed party last Saturday was fun. It's scary to believe that there are people who exist in this country who are more crazy about pokemon than I am. It was a bittersweet occasion for me, in many respects. There's always unfulfilled wishes eating away at me and that night I felt them stronger than ever. As if the past can be changed. As if things would be different if I'd done things differently five or so years ago. As if I would be a different person from who I am now. I try to avoid it but avoidance only makes the feelings stronger the next time they're triggered. Perhaps I should seek counselling of some sort. I don't know why these regrets are so strong. I just wish I had the answers to why I feel this way, even though I know I can't change what's foregone. I've accepted that life isn't fair. I guess part of me still clings to ideals that would exist in a fair and just world, for some bizzare reason.

On Sunday I went with misty_angel26's gang to SnowPlanet; little mikorikawa came along too ^^. The day went by so fast, I couldn't believe we'd spent 9 hours at the venue, 7 of which were on the snow. I was surprised at how quickly mikorikawa picked up skiing, despite my crap teaching skills. I guess it goes to show that it's the student's effort and capability that determines success, and they deserve the credit for their achievements. I've been through 7 years of teaching at a rubbish school to realise that some teachers are so bad that you learn things faster without their "help". Having a good teacher makes life a lot easier, though, and I wish I was better at explaining things to people. Sunday was a great day, 'twas a shame my world came crashing down shortly after when I'd thought I'd lost my ipod there, so glad that it's safe. I don't know why I fret so much about small things like that, I shouldn't let it ruin my good mood so easily.

I've actually written this entry over the course of a few days since I couldn't find a single block of time to write all this in one go. I think the stuff in here isn't outdated already since nothing really much happens during campus learning week besides lectures. Oh, Pochama and I stuck cannulae in each other today, if that's anything to mention. Got one more day to go before the weekend, and I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel already. It's 11pm and getting late, I think I'll finish up here and hit the sack.

Euphoric Field

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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Not a lot on my agenda at the moment. Had a quiet weekend spent mostly at home trying to study but getting distracted by Starcraft and anime. Somehow even when I have time on my hands like this it just seems that I'm no more productive than when I have things on. Perhaps the lack of formal assessment for Emergency Medicine has dulled my ambitions and I suppose having those exams and stuff are good in motivating me to keep on top of things. Not that I like exams, don't get me wrong.

Emergency Medicine's been really good so far. The shift work is quite light in that you're only assigned for 3 shifts a week (although some of those are at night) and people are generally quite nice (except one registrar which I won't get started on). Its really good to see acute cases since the majority of them are really unwell and you get to see the results of your treatments right away rather than sending them off with a prescription and telling them to come back in a week's time. Although being a medical student I kinda just try to stay out of the way most of the time, I do try to get involved as much as I can, even if it is just passing the lure plug to the nurse or holding down limbs in convulsing patients. It's good to feel useful, even if you're not really doing much. I find getting involved in things helps pass time faster than just standing around all the time. Emergency medicine does spark a bit of an interest in me. Although it is a fast paced environment and you would have a lot on your shoulders I find the whole hands-on nature of the specialty really appealing. I guess I find in ED I'm getting to do a lot more than all of my previous clinical attachments (especially psychiatry) and as a student its probably one of the best places to be to get some hands-on experience. Just feels great to finally be able to do stuff I guess, even though I don't consider myself a hugely practically oriented person.

University work aside, life's been pretty steady otherwise. Been hanging out a bit with Pochama and friends, and little mikorikawa too ^^. Pochama's been acting up recently and I'm getting a little concerned about him. Hopefully I'll see him tomorrow in ED, since his ambulance shift coincides with my hospital one. Looking forward to catching up with misty_angel26 hopefully sometime this week too, she owes me lunch >=). I can't say my social life is all that active at the moment, but with everyone being so busy with uni work and jobs I'm glad to even have one at all.

Just had a 40min chat with mum and dad so forgive me for losing my train of thought. Oh yeah, next weekend I have another 21st party to attend and also going skiing with some friends at SnowPlanet ^^. At least those are some things to look forward to. Progress on my hidden agenda seems to be going well so far, I'm hoping things improve by the time I have to go to Rotorua, otherwise outcomes will potentially be adversely affected. People say I have a lot of things going for me, I guess I doubt my abilities too much. I'm trying to take things slowly, because I have a feeling if I rush through things, the opportunity will be lost forever. But I think if I play my cards right, good things will start to happen, and I'm counting on it.

Oh, where has the evening gone, looks like its time for bed already T.T well guess I'll leave things here for tonight. I'm sure there was something else I wanted to mention here, guess it'll have to wait til next time.

Quiet days

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Quite a lot has happened since I last posted. So much that in fact I'm not sure where I should start. Perhaps a brief word about Anaesthetics at Middlemore would be adequate. Anaesthetics is a pretty interesting specialty. My first impression of an anaesthetist was someone who puts the patient to sleep, goes to sleep him/herself, then wakes up to wake up the patient, rinse and repeat ad infinitum. And to the best of my knowledge it wasn't too far off. I've had anaethetists reading books and newspapers after intubating and drugging the patient while I awkwardly stood there wondering if I should interfere with their leisure time by pelting them with questions. I know I should be more pushy and just go for it but it's just not my style. Nowhere did I read that to do medicine you had to be pushy and annoying to others just trying to do their job and I certainly would have thought twice about doing medicine if that's what was required. Sometimes I wish that the teaching was even just a little more structured than what 4th year is. The hospital and the university have completely different agendas and you, the 4th year student, is stuck somewhere between them in a limbo where nobody really gives a damn about you. Here's my take on the whole situation:

The university wants you to perform procedures A, B and C, X number of times within 2 weeks. You need to do a 1,000 word case report, fill in your logbook, have twenty 1 on 1 tutorials with your clinical supervisor and do a night shift. It all sounds semi-reasonable, until you actually get to the hospital. That's when you realise that the so-called "supervisors" aren't really expecting students. They're only expecting patients. And sick ones. The hospital only really cares about treating patients and you're forced to work around that.

This may very well be your first time in a hospital, let alone an operating theatre. No protocols have been explained to you at all. You don't know your way around anywhere. If a fire broke out, you wouldn't know where to go or what to do. The only way you'd learn these things are the hard way. Getting lost. Pissing off the surgeon for getting to close to them while they were in sterile attire. Accidentally touching something you shouldn't have. The list goes on. Not to mention getting kicked out of operating theatres for simply being there and observing. Isn't this meant to be a teaching hospital? How am I supposed to learn anything if I'm constantly being pushed around and not told anything I should know to get the most out of my 2 week attachment? Sometimes I feel I spend most of my day simply trying not to get in the way of people and I reckon I'm going to be an expert at that by the end of the year.

But wait, what about all those procedures you have to do, those 20 1 on 1 tutorials with the consultants you're meant to be doing? You'd be lucky to have a go at even putting in 1 endotracheal tube or LMA in. They'll usually be happy for you to bag-mask ventilate for them because it requires almost no skill. And the patients will already have IV's in 'cos the HO's are putting them all in down in the surgery wards. Getting those tutorials is really a matter of chance. Some consultants are real nice and teach you everything, while some just ask you difficult questions and troll you when you get them wrong. Sometimes they can get real busy too which can't be helped I guess. In the end you have to get those boxes ticked and how you do it the university doesn't care. The hospital staff couldn't give a damn how many of those boxes you need to fill and so long as you don't get in their way. Theoretically, one could use this situation to their advantage by acquiring signatures and marks for things they haven't actually done. It would probably be the best way to keep both parties happy, but it isn't a risk I would be willing to take. Not to mention that you probably wouldn't learn anything either.

It annoys me to have to blog so negatively after almost 3 weeks of no posts but I guess its been bugging me a lot recently. On a more positive note, I've been to 2 birthday parties recently which have both been good, although one was certainly more enjoyable due to the presence of a certain individual ^^. Catching up with friends is always nice. I never was a fan of huge parties but simply having the right company with the right atmosphere makes a huge difference. I know life is only going to get busier from now so I'm going to make the most of the time I have now. Pochama has been helping me out a lot with things, too, and I'm really glad to have his help. I don't think I would've gotten this far without him.

Mum came up this weekend and we spent Mother's Day together with my sister. It's kinda annoying how I'm expected to drop all plans for the weekend when the parents visit, especially when you have, er, other agendas. I like to think myself as quite grateful for the things they do for me, but sometimes I think they forget that I have a life outside from them and that its quite important for me as well. I know they've done a lot for me, but the reality is that now I do a lot of things for myself and I feel that I deserve some freedom. I realise that they don't visit too often, so I make a lot of effort to spend as much time with them when they do come, because I know I'd feel guilty if I didn't. I guess I still haven't figured out what's really important to me in life. Studies? Family? Friends? Other agendas? Sometimes I think I'd have an easier time if I was more assertive of what I wanted out of life so that I wouldn't run into trouble with my conscience. Truth is, I'm quite happy with the way things are at the moment. Living each day for the sake of living, experiencing things old and new, having aspirations for the future but not losing sight of the things that have helped get me to where I am now. Yeah, sounds about right. That's how I roll.

Some people turn to religion for guidance; others meditate or read inspirational books. I blog. I should do more.

Resuscitated Hope

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

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Hi, I'm Jeff! Welcome to my blog, where I share random thoughts and things about my life. Enjoy :)