Luckily I haven't been affected by the weather bomb that seems to be sweeping over the North Island today. It was really stormy this morning, though. Since I sleep with my windows open during the warmer weather the constant rattling of the door with the wind was pretty noisy this morning.
Did some chores and surfed around the web a bit this morning. I really like days like these where I can just relax and take things at my pace. Feels like the earlier stresses have started to pay off. Although I still don't know my OSCE result. Argh, stop thinking about it, Jeff. What's done is done, and the only thing to do is to move forward with what you have (or don't have), leaving the past behind for what it was. Gotta stay positive.
My scrabble dictionary arrived in the post yesterday. It was pretty cheap ($9 including shipping from bookdepository) and it's always nice to have one hand when playing. Of course, you could just use the internet but I think it's nicer to have the book. Nothing quite like the crisp feel of the pages as they run between your fingers xD heh.
Hmm might go play a game of SC2 before I head out for ice skating. Been a while since I've played a proper game of that. Guess I really don't have anything better to do this morning ^^. See you later guys.