I've never really made a wishlist since Santa Claus days and even then those were rare. I guess I've never really been in a situation where I've wanted stuff that were too far out of my price range. Either I'd have bought the thing I wanted or I'd have thought the item unnecessary and decided I no longer desired it. But now I guess there are things that I feel would be nice to have, but aren't really necessary at all. I suppose it isn't too uncommon to have these desires; its part of being human, is it not?
Anyway~ on with the list!
#1: Tablet PC
I'm not sure with the branding with this one as technology keeps changing and I haven't really done a lot of research. iPads seem to be the most popular in this department but are they really the best tablets out there? The Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 seems pretty nice too. I'm not too sure if tablets are quite ready to replace laptops yet in terms of portable PC's (probably not) but when they do it would be a nice time to upgrade. I would like the idea of being able to carry around a tablet and simply mount a keyboard when doing intensive data entry and stuff. However even the convenience of the internet at your fingertips combined with access to all your .pdf textbooks (oh yeah!) would be enough for me to want one.
#2: Apple iPhone

Oh so mainstream! Never too late to jump the bandwagon, Steve Jobs is always willing and eager to take your money, even in death. iPhones are popular for a reason, and I'm not going to deny that it's a good product. I suppose it does share the annoyances of Apple products in general (can't remove the battery, fragile, need iTunes to do everything for you) although there are probably countermeasures to those. The fact there's no expandable data card slot means I'll probably have to get the 32/64GB version since I want to be able to store my media in it too. I would still consider getting an Android at this stage since the market seems to be expanding but at the moment Apple would still be the appealing choice to me. The interface and touchscreen of an iPhone are pretty darn hard to beat.
#3: DSLR Camera

I've never really been into photography in a big way but it seems to be a fun hobby, albeit and expensive one. Probably hold off on this one until I secure some proper income, as I heard the lenses can get expensive. I'm quite happy with my point and shoot digital camera (although it does actually belong to my mum, who doesn't know how to use it) but I've seen some of the pictures people have been taking with them and they really are quite impressive. Again I'd have to do a lot of homework on this before even considering making a purchase.
#4: Over-Ear Headphones

I've been wanting a proper set of over-ear headphones for some time but haven't really had the need to get one yet since I inherited my sister's Microsoft headset which is actually pretty good. However they aren't too comfortable at times (they're pretty darn tight) but the sound quality is so good that I haven't wanted to invest in a new one. I'd probably end up forking out a considerable amount for these. Beats by Dr. Dre have really amazing sound quality and comfort (yay for in-store samples at JB Hifi xD) but I'd probably end up getting the studio ones which are over $200 on eBay. Why do nice things have to cost so much $_$
So that's probably all for now. Will put more stuff up as I think of more things I want. Wouldn't be surprised if this list grew overnight xD. Oh, the material world.