Just experimenting with some formatting while I procrastinate for my 305 test tomorrow. Just realised that this test is worth 30% towards the final grade yet I'm still wasting time like this. Go figure.
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August 2010
A lot of things on my mind at the moment. Perhaps I've been going out more than I should be recently and life seems to have caught up to me in a big way. That way being my parents. Well, more like my Mum. I know blogger probably isn't the place to discuss family affairs but I gotta say that I really screwed up the whole balancing thing between friends/family/uni during the past few days. I know I can't just blame the fact that I live away from home as an excuse since I'm still largely dependent on my parents by staying in this apartment and that in itself is a cause to go out of my way for them. And that's not to mention that they raised me since I was a zygote (or its precedent components, even). I guess I misjudged my investment in that department, so to speak.
It's been just over a week since my last post and a lot has happened since then. It's not that my life is usually this eventful but it just so happens that 3 people were celebrating their birthdays, two of which were 21sts and one of which was my own birthday. Ward round on Wednesday was another eventful afternoon as usual and MTG draft after that was fun, although we did lose quite badly.
We were learning about vital signs today. Yeah, pulse, O2 sats, ventilation rate, and, of course, BLOOD PRESSURE @@! Why oh why do I suck so bad at taking blood pressures ><. I thought I'd practiced it time and time again on my mum back in Rotorua with dad's equipment but I guess I forgot that I'd have to deal with patients with flabby/fatty arms where finding pulses is a nightmare (particularly when you're doing it in front of a registrar and 3 of your peers). Lucklily for me my registrar was very patient and she took me around to a few other patients to take their pressures after failing so bad on the first ones, and eventually I got it right (on a skinny old lady whose diastolic didn't seem to want to fade away). I guess its not so bad being the geriatric ward, since if I'm to make a goddamn fool of myself its better to do so as a third year than a 4th/5th year/TI...if I can take a BP off those seniors then I'm pretty sure I can take one off anyone in the future (or at least I hope).
Other than epically failing at taking BP's I guess the rest of the ward was pretty good. Again, I was lucky with my patient and got someone pretty nice. T'is a pity we still have to do stuff in pairs since I kinda want to try a history by myself although it's sometimes good to see how other people phrase their questions and stuff. I think my partner today has had quite a bit of clinical experience in the past so it was good to see how he went about things when we saw our patient. I hope next time I'll get to try one on my own, though.
Went and saw Toy Story 3 yesterday with some friends. It was my first time seeing a movie in IMAX theatre so it was quite an experience. The Night and Day short film was a little too random for my liking, though. The whole thing just seemed to be one of those things animators do to show off how cool they are at doing random stuff people don't normally (or want to) see. Toy Story 3 itself was pretty entertaining (well, as far as Pixar Disney movies go) with lots of amusing moments and a good take home message as well. Overall it was quite a bargain, for only costing $10 and being all 3D and IMAX. Much better than Knight and Day at any rate. That one seemed to me to be the stereotypical fast-paced action movie abundant with "people in fast cars with guns shooting at each other on the motorway" scenes with the recurring "helpless female caught up in some big nasty plot for world domination who the protagonist inevitably falls in love with" theme so common in these types of films. Even Transformers was better, cuz the robots were at least kind of cool. I don't mean to be a film critic (I hate people who sit around all day long criticizing things) but sometimes I just wonder if the people making all these films have run out of ideas or something. Perhaps I should INCEPT some new ones into their minds >=D /badjoke =.=
Inception was amazing (although I was kinda wtf for the first 30mins) and it certainly puts an interesting twist on the way one can perceive reality. How can one distinguish between a dream and reality? Even if you do have one of them 'totem' thingies how can you be certain the world you made the totem in wasn't just another dream? Ah @@ my head. I'd like to try out one of those dream terminal/cafe places though. They seem like fun ^^
So what else is there. Nothing much really. Got my Critical Literature Review topic approved today (yay for stem cells). Still haven't decided on what to do about hospitals yet. Thinking of swapping groups with someone actually. Hm, need to get onto that one. Stuff seems to be breaking rather frequently this week. First my glasses nosepiece broke (still needs fixing, argh) then my watch (just before my wards too =.= how convenient...) and my DS failed to wake me up 2 mornings in a row (missed 8am start yesterday ><) so I think something may be wrong there. Sigh, so annoying. Should really be getting down to some work tonight. I think I've ranted enough for one evening.
I try not to think about it too much, but occassionally it comes up and throws me into mental disarray. Anyone reading this who went to my school back in Rotorua would know what I'm talking about. If I could change one thing about the past, I honestly don't know what it would be. Would it be my surroundings, like the school I went to, the people I met along the way, or would it be myself, my attitudes towards people and the way I handled situations? Everyone I've talked to about this seems to think that my anti-social tendencies somehow protected me from entering a world that I knew I did not want to enter, acquiring attitudes that would conflict with everything I had been brought up with and set me on a course of life much different to the one I am on now. No offense to any Rotorua friends reading this, but I do somehow feel that if I had integrated myself more into the social networks at my school I would be in a very different place in life from where I am now. Of course, it's not like I couldn't have still gotten to where I am without being a social hermit, but being the frail-minded weak spirited person I am it wouldn't have taken much to set me off course.
When I look back to those days I'm not sure what it was that caused me to isolate me from everyone during my high school days. Whether it was me just me being stuck up or arrogant seems a bit harsh on myself, since I don't like to take myself upon those traits, but who am I to say. Shyness? Sure, but for 7 years? I don't think so. What about psychiatric disorders? Asperger's Syndrome? No, I ruled that one out last semester for my humanities assignment (although the prospect of flagging this all as a disease process seemed devillishly appealing at the time). I honestly don't know what it was. Maybe some shyness. Maybe some arrogance, just for having slightly above average IQ and being able to do well in tests with minimal study. Perhaps relating to people with such vast differences in upbringing, lifestyle and values proved too difficult to stimulate my interest in others. Maybe I just accepted the fact that I was different from everyone else and lived in my own little world. Part of me wants to believe that it's hard to relate to people who don't understand what it means to have Asian parents but now that I look back they weren't really that strict in the scope of what I've been hearing in Auckland. I don't know what was, I guess back then I simply wasn't interested in people. I wish I knew why.
Even when I look back to my first years of university where the people I've met have generally had similar interests and values to me somehow it seemed like there was still a problem. I guess lack of social networking experience left any attempts of making social connections to people utter failures, and navigation through many strong, existing social networks has proved difficult. The workload of university also presented itself as a problem for someone not used to studying to achieve good grades, combined with the lack of any real ambition or motivation. Why the hell I decided to study medicine is still beyond me. Parents didn't push (despite being asian) and I haven't really been inspired by any doctors even though my dad happens to be one. As a result of having a doctor in the family I never had the opportunity of experiencing a GP consultation so never knew what doctors actually did. I just kinda knew it was a stable-ish job and I got merits in science. So off I went to biomed thinking that I'd just transfer over to med in 2nd year and all would be s'well. Not so. Went into a full mental meltdown in the weeks prior to the med interview and had to do a ton of research and think a lot of crap over. I'll save that story for another time.
So anyway, here I am in 3rd year med not knowing quite how I got here or where I'll end up after (if) I graduate. Still feel a bit out of place among my peers for not being ambitious enough or wanting to get A+ in all my papers but I stopped caring about that long ago. I don't care what kind of person everyone expects me to be for being a med student but I know that if I change who I am now, it would mean that all those years spent in isolation during high school would have been meaningless. I just want to be me. I'll do things my way, my style. Even if I have to walk alone. Fortunately for me, I don't have to. There are people who do accept me for who I am, and I'm very grateful to those people for being in my life. I think you know who you are.
Geez, I've given this entry far too much of my time this evening. It's so easy for me to get carried away in my train of thought sometimes, it's hard to stop the thoughts coming once things get going. Better turn in for the 8am start tomorrow morning, gotta get back to reality. If you've made it this far, you deserve a cookie for tanking through all this text.
/stream of consciousness (or whatever else you wanna call it)
So, another weekend gone. 'tis a shame I spent half of it fighting off the flu, wish I had gotten more work done. But I guess there's no way of knowing whether I would have actually used that day for work had I been well, so I'll just bask in blissful ignorance and blame my sickness for my lack of productiveness.
Seem to be feeling a bit better today and I'm hoping I'll survive the 8 o'clock start tomorrow. By the looks of things tomorrow I'll finish early so it'll give me a chance to catch up on notes and write up that patient history for Wednesday. Probably a good idea to start doing some stuff on that medical assessment project too. Things have been moving so slowly since last Tuesday when I woke up with a sore throat, hopefully things will pick up again and stuff will actually get done this week. I guess a good way to start is by getting a good sleep. To hell with the "cut down computer use before bed time" advice, I'm definitely going to get a good sleep tonight.
About Me
- Lunatarius
- Hi, I'm Jeff! Welcome to my blog, where I share random thoughts and things about my life. Enjoy :)