So, another weekend gone. 'tis a shame I spent half of it fighting off the flu, wish I had gotten more work done. But I guess there's no way of knowing whether I would have actually used that day for work had I been well, so I'll just bask in blissful ignorance and blame my sickness for my lack of productiveness.

Seem to be feeling a bit better today and I'm hoping I'll survive the 8 o'clock start tomorrow. By the looks of things tomorrow I'll finish early so it'll give me a chance to catch up on notes and write up that patient history for Wednesday. Probably a good idea to start doing some stuff on that medical assessment project too. Things have been moving so slowly since last Tuesday when I woke up with a sore throat, hopefully things will pick up again and stuff will actually get done this week. I guess a good way to start is by getting a good sleep. To hell with the "cut down computer use before bed time" advice, I'm definitely going to get a good sleep tonight.


End of Week's End

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Sunday, August 1, 2010

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