Being sick. It's been 6 days since the onset of whatever I've got and still doesn't show too many signs of going away anytime soon. Probably a combination of having to study, sit two 3 hour exams and going out have delayed my recovery but what the hell am I supposed to do about that? Sure, I guess going out wasn't as necessary as the first 2 but I'll be going back to Rotorua relatively soon and this is pretty much the only time I'll get to spend time with my friends in Auckland before I go back to Rotorua (and Murupara *sob*) so I do want to make the most of it.
Yesterday was an interesting day. I actually planned to softmod my wii that day but somehow I ended up going to AUT and playing DotA with some random engineering students who had just finished the last of their 4th year exams. Apparently WC3 is installed in almost every lab computer in engineering in a hidden folder named "Photoshop" lolz. Been a while since I played that game, don't really miss it though since SC2's been keeping me busy. Lol, one of Simon's friends kept giving me advice which was good since everyone else there was so hardcore and I was quite out of their league. Blizzard does make good games. But some of them can be really addictive, so sometimes it's better just to stay away from them altogether.
We headed to town after that. That's when I met HER. By her, I mean a girl who knows more about POKeMONz than I do, and is absolutely crazy about that game. Seriously WTF?!? I didn't think that was even possible, let alone I'd get the chance to meet someone like that. I guess that's the cool thing about Simon, you always meet new people when you hang out with him. But yesterday was something different. SEVEN HUNDRED and EIGHTY HOURS on her heart gold save file. And THREE HUNDRED and something pokedex. I'd met her briefly before at a random time I went into town to lend Simon my stethoscope and sphygomo but didn't really get to know her that well (apart from her blood pressure, which I took to show Simon how it's done) but my god, that girl's got Pokemon coming out of her ears. So, we had lunch together and hung around the arcades for a bit, then Simon had an urge to hack some Pokemon so we went around to my place after. That's when I played some epic Pokemon challenge (battle tower or something, I forget the name) with her, where you choose 2 Pokemon each to rent and proceed to do a series of double battles until you lose. I can't remember the last time I had so much fun playing Pokemon like that since my sister stopped playing that game (guess you grow out of these things after a while, lolz) but it was so epic, I mean, discussing tactics, choosing which Pokemon to use after each battle and which ones to keep...analysing the stats and movesets of each pokemon...I don't think I could do that with anybody else in the same way I did yesterday. I mean, that was just EPIC. Haha, I know, this must sound so nerdy but hey, Pokemon rocks my world and I don't care if it's a kids game or what. That's another reason why I'm so annoyed I was unwell, I didn't get to enjoy the experience as well as I should've. Ah well, I'm sure there will be a next time.
I went to dinner with Simon and a few of his friends in the evening. Apparently he's got connections with the owner of the Dynasty Chinese Restaurant on Wakefield St so he shouted us a feed there. Met another new face there, had a nice chat with her, although again what would I have given to get rid of that goddamn cough...>< whyyyy do things have to be so annoying? Why is the only time I get the chance to meet new people and expand my social network like this when I have to be so under the weather? Garr... anyway we went to the domain to join some of my classmates from med school for fireworks and had a good time there. It was pretty cold, though. And I wasn't feeling good...sigh. We did some pretty cool things like spell out words and numbers using sparklers and took photos of them. They even did an ECG trace with them (and I thought I was nerdy xD) and believe it or not, it actually turned out pretty good. Playing around with sparklers and things can be a pretty fun way to spend Guy Fawkes. Although it did get a bit dangerous at one point. I think there were some idiots in the domain who thought it would be funny to have firework wars with each other, and we got caught in the crossfire a few times. I happen to have a family friends who lost part of one of his hands due to a fireworks incident, so I was reluctant to actually light and of the proper fireworks. I think I'll just stick with the sparklers ^^.
It's kinda sad how I had more fun yesterday than going to halfway grad last Wednesday. I guess I'm not really so much into alcohol, drinking and loud music. I mean, what's so social about having the music up so loud that you can barely hear yourself think, let alone what other people are saying? I think I've covered this in another post, so I won't get started on it again. It's annoying how so much is happening now that exams are over, and I'm still not feeling 100%. Of all the times, why now do I have to get sick? Life isn't fair. Sorry I'm ranting on about this, but this cough just isn't going away even as I type. It's been keeping me up at night, and I haven't even been able to catch up on much sleep recently (probably slowing my recovery as well).
Yesterday was great though, despite all this sickness. Just looking back to how things were in high school and comparing it to now, I've realised just how much my world has expanded since then. It feels somehow strange to have people in your life who do actually do the things you do and feel the way you do. I can't describe the feeling in words, it's just so...great. It seemed so foreign to me in my high school years that I'd ever meet people who would appreciate the things I do in life. No-one would ever care how much study I did at home, how many hours of piano I practised, or what sorts of books I read or anything like that. And all I did to that was to shut those people out of my life cuz if they weren't interested, I wasn't interested in them, end of story. And why would I be interested in how many people got drunk on Saturday or who made out with who that evening, because I don't give a damn about that gossip shit. I don't regret living my high school days in isolation. But by depriving myself of a social life I threw it away before even realising exactly what it was I was giving up. By throwing it away, I meant deciding to do MEDICINE. The respose I get from this from my parents and friends is "Oh, it was a good thing you didn't have friends in high school, that way you managed to concentrate on your studies and get into medicine!" YEAH F**N RIGHT. I get that so much it's not even funny. For crying out loud, I only got bloody MERITS in NCEA L3 and that was without any so-called distractions from friends. Does that tell you how oh so hard I studied in high school at all? Yeah go figure. I didn't give a shit. I even think that having the right friends would motivate me, not the other way around. I probably would have still gone for med but I wouldn't have been so quick to dump the social life. It would have made the decision harder, as it was meant to be, and give me all the more reason to work hard and make the grades.
Oh boy this post is long and full of rant. And hell this cough is driving me nuts. I wonder if I should try modding my Wii today, or do something more productive like cleaning out my room (my room always looks like a bomb hit it after exam time). Need to do groceries as well. Work starts in Murupara on the 29th, I really want to get over this cough and make the most of what's left of my time in Auckland.
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About Me
- Lunatarius
- Hi, I'm Jeff! Welcome to my blog, where I share random thoughts and things about my life. Enjoy :)
-Your- wii eh? >=O. And lol at the WCIII on lab computers. Sounds normal :P, 'cept ours was named "OpenGL".
ReplyDeleteHope you get better soon oni-chan :(
EPIC POST, by addictive games, I'm sure you mean SC2 D: